The basic IR policy of Asahi Intecc is to disclose corporate information actively and fairly to all stakeholders involved with the company and to continue improving the transparency of corporate management.

1. Standards for disclosure of information

  1. The Asahi Intecc Group will promptly disclose information based on transparency, fairness and continuity in accordance with commercial laws, the Securities and Exchange Law and other related laws and regulations as well as the overview of results set by the stock exchanges, timely disclosure rules and other regulations for issuers of listed negotiable securities or valuable instrument (hereinafter the “Timely Disclosure Rules”).
  2. The Asahi Intecc Group will promptly and accurately disclose to the extent possible information that would be of benefit to stakeholders and members of society even if said information does not fall under the scope of laws, regulations and the Timely Disclosure Rules regardless of advantage or disadvantage to the Group.

2. Method of disclosure of information

  1. Information to be disclosed that falls under the scope of the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be disclosed through TDnet provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange or other related press clubs, etc.
  2. Information to be disclosed that does not fall under the scope of the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be disclosed through news releases, press conferences or other appropriate methods according to its importance and urgency.
  3. Information disclosed through the methods of (1) and (2) above shall be promptly published on Asahi Intecc’s homepage.

3. Quiet Period

  1. The Asahi Intecc Group has a quiet period to prevent the leakage of financial information and ensure the fairness of information disclosure. As a general rule, the period from the day after the end of each quarter until the day of the earnings announcement is a quiet period, and during this period the Company will refrain from responding to comments or inquiries regarding earnings or earnings forecasts. However, if it becomes clear during the quiet period that the earnings forecast will be significantly off the mark, the Company will disclose information as appropriate.