Here are the answers to frequently asked questions.

Company Profile

  • When was your company established?

    Our company was founded on July 8, 1976 as Asahi Mini Rope Sales Co., Ltd. in Moriyama-ku, Nagoya, Aichi with a capital of \7 million. Asahi Mini Rope Sales Co., Ltd. subsequently changed its trade name to Asahi Intecc Co., Ltd.

    Asahi Mini Rope Industries, established in April 1972, was the forerunner of our company. In 1974 Asahi Mini Rope Industries changed its organizational to Asahi Mini Rope Co., Ltd., and Asahi Mini Rope Sales Co., Ltd. was established as a sales department to facilitate transactions with Asahi Mini Rope Co., Ltd.’s Chubu area manufacturer.

    Click here to view the company’s history.

  • How many consolidated group companies are there?

    There are seventeen consolidated subsidiaries and five non- consolidated subsidiaries.
    (As of July 1st, 2023)

    (Consolidated subsidiaries)
    Asahi Intecc Thailand Co., Ltd. 
    Asahi Intecc Hanoi Co., Ltd. 

    Toyoflex Cebu Corporation

    Filmecc Co., Ltd. 

    Filmecc USA, Inc.

    Asahi Intecc J-sales Co., Ltd. 

    Asahi Intecc Scientific (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 
    Asahi Intecc USA, Inc. 


    ASAHI INTECC Deutschland GmbH

    Asahi Intecc CIS LLC

    ASAHI Medical Technologies, Inc. 



    Rev. 1 Engineering, Inc.

    Pathways Medical Corporation


    (Non-consolidated subsidiaries)
    Nihon Chemical Coat Co., Ltd 
    Ficas Co., Ltd.

    walkey Inc.

    LAKE R&D Inc.,

    Magnaire Co.,Ltd.

  • Are you an affiliate of another company?

    No, we are not an affiliate of another company.

  • When is your settlement period?

    The settlement period is at the end of June.

Business and Products

  • What is your line of business?

    Our line of business can be largely split into the medical device field and the industrial device field.

    In the medical device field, we develop, produce and sell medical device products such as guide wires and catheters used mainly for endovascular treatment under our own brand. Apart from products of our brand we supply OEM products and medical components.

    The treatment areas where our brand products are used center on the cardiovascular system and extend also to a wide range of other areas including the abdominal vascular system, peripheral vascular system and cerebrovascular system. The products are sold to hospitals and such directly in Japan and primarily through sales agencies abroad.

    We have the highest shares of PTCA guide wires, our main product, in Japan.

    Furthermore, in the industrial device field we conduct direct transactions such as for ultra-thin stainless steel wire ropes with diameters of less than 2mm and terminal processed products with customers from a wide range of business types from the OA device market, home electronics market, construction market, etc., and the use of these products is highly diversified.

    We have long been established as the top supplier of ultra-thin stainless steel wire ropes in the Japanese market and have played the role of the industry leader.

    Click “What is Asahi Intecc?” for details.

  • What are guide wires and catheters?

    These are products used in catheter treatment in which treatment is conducted from within blood vessels by passing through clogged or narrowed blood vessels. Our company mainly handles guide wire and catheter products for treatment of the cardiovascular system.

    Click “What is Asahi Intecc?” for details.


  • Where is Asahi Intecc listed?

    We are currently listed on Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange and Premier Market of Nagoya Stock Exchange.

  • What is your securities code?

    Our securities code is 7747.

  • How many shares constitute one unit?

    100 of our shares constitutes one unit.

  • When is the annual General Meeting of Shareholders held?

    The annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in September every year.

  • When are dividends paid out?

    Regarding the year-end dividend, it is our basic policy to pay out dividends in late September based on the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

    Although the institution for deciding dividends is the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Articles of Incorporation stipulate that interim dividends as defined in Article 454 Clause 5 of the Company Law can be paid out by resolution of the Board of Directors to shareholders and registered pledgees of shares recorded in the final register of shareholders on December 31 of each year.

    The dividend amount was calculated considering a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 35%, taking into account the current consolidated performance, future performance outlook, and the level of internal reserves, all viewed from a long-term perspective.


  • Do you have a shareholder special benefit plan?

    We do not have a shareholder special benefit plan for the time being.

  • Who is the administrator of the shareholder registry?

    The administrator of the shareholder registry is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

  • Where can I inquire to ask for papers for stock procedures?

    Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation (Securities Agency Department: 0120-707-696 toll free; Japan only) can be contacted around the clock.
    You may alternatively contact a securities firm with a transaction account.

    For shareholders who own shares with special accounts, the special account management institution below may be contacted.

     Securities Agency Department, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
     7-10-11, Higashisuna Koto-ku, Tokyo 137-8081
     TEL: 0120-232-711 (toll free; Japan only)